That was the question made my husband some days after insemination. I made the chart but I dint know what houses should I look.7th for me and 5th for the baby?or 12th for the baby?[/img]

I didn't mean to ask you to post your chart, but for you to analyze it yourself. The forums are not meant as a divination service, I am just mentioning that if your questions are not being answered, you can turn to the natal chart. You might want to seek an astrologer that has experience in fertility questions. They sometimes can offer the best time for conception, especially by looking at your chart. If I were conceiving, I would not use horary, I would use event charts for planning when to conceive. Horary is torturous to someone who is not having success and will just make you feel worse.

Yes, fertility questions relate to the barren versus fruitful qualities of the planets and signs involved and there is something known as planetary sect that shows the time of day (day or night) where planets are said to be most favorable. There are different areas of this website that are helpful for fertility questions if you do Google searches. Christian Astrology by Lilly also has a fertility section and you can access the text for free online, such as on Christopher Warnock's site.

Re: Is this collection of light?

Dg wrote:Does the sun (19° taurus) collect the light of moon (14°pisces) and mars (27 Capricorn)?
good question, and I would agree with Tanit that the answer is 'no'.

still, the Moon is making a sextile with Mars so we may not need the collection. the Moon's orb reaches 12º before her and 12º behind, so she's just outside of the standard orb for her coming into sextile with Mars. but the contact will be made before Mars or the Moon change signs, and it's only *just* beyond 12º (12º 48'), so I think we might be encouraged to be a bit flexible here and say the Moon and Mars are somewhat connected.

but the more immediate emphasis in this chart is the received trine to 6th- and 9th-ruler Jupiter, and the square to 11th- and 4th-ruler Venus, then sextile to the Sun who rules the 2nd. before the Moon can make it to Mars and successfully secure that contact, Jupiter, Venus and the Sun must be 'engaged', so to speak.
Tanit3333 wrote:The answer to your question is no, and for several reasons.

Here the Moon first applies to Jupiter (and then Venus), so it would be prohibitory Moon from aspecting the Sun.
not every interceding contact is a prohibition, and we first have to assess whether the interceding planet is assisting or afflicting. if afflicting, then yes -- that would be prohibition. but Jupiter, Venus and the Sun are rarely prohibiting factor; they tend to assist in most cases, provided: the aspect is out of good houses, the planet interceding is not debilitated or afflicted in and of itself, etc. Jupiter and Venus are naturally assisting planets, and for this reason very rarely do they need to receive the planet applying to them. but in this particular case, I might agree with your assessment anyway -- Jupiter is retrograde, on the 5th cusp and ruling an unfortunate house (the 6th). with the 7th- and 8th-rulers in the 6th, and the Moon most recently having contact to Saturn in the 6th, I'm inclined to think that there's a 6th house emphasis here (recurring illness or bodily distress) which is standing in the way of successful conception. but the Moon is in the 9th, and Jupiter rules that house too, so perhaps that's of more relevance.

I would not say that Venus afflicts here; though the aspect is by square, she is receiving the Moon's application by exaltation and so is more likely to provide some help to the Moon than stand in her way. an aspect like this, which comes before the desired contact yet doesn't afflict, is almost like taking a pit stop and getting advice from someone trusted before proceeding. with Venus ruling the 11th, it may suggest that a friend or benefactor (surrogate?) may be of some help.

the Sun ruling the 2nd brings financial matters in, and as the 2nd-ruler is in the 11th (i.e., in the pocket of those shown by the 11th), starting to wonder about the financial implications of surrogacy a bit more, although there are many other ways to interpret these same houses and symbols.

but more than anything, 5th-ruler Mars is dignified and angular. that's a huge deal, and does give some strength to the possibility of having a child. but it's Mars, so it cannot come easy, and will involve some degree of tension and stress if it hasn't already. Mars rules both the 5th and 10th, and the 10th house signifies treatments (including fertility treatments), and is angular in the 7th house. my guess here is that this is a question of whether or not a fertility treatment will work.. is that correct, Dg? my guess is it's not been very easy on your body, and you've had to undergo a number of rounds and it's starting to hit the pocketbook pretty hard.
Tanit3333 wrote:Additionally, and more importantly, the Sun is never slower than Mars, so it cannot collect its light. The slowest planet in a configuration has to be the one that collects light.
I'd have to disagree on this point to a certain extent. the more reliable principle is that the a planet must be applied to in order to collect light. the reason you cannot really rely on average planetary speeds when defining these relationships is because speeds are variable, and planets do not necessarily change in speed simultaneously. you're right that the Sun is never slower than Mars, but that analogy can only be made with the Sun -- planets contrasted with each other can be of any speed. Saturn can easily move faster than Mars; Jupiter, than Mercury.

to give you an example, Venus typically moves 1º 12' each day, Mars 0º 31' each day. but in mid-April 2017, something unique happened. Venus had just stationed direct at 26º Pisces 54', and Mars was near the end of Taurus. as Venus had just stationed, she was moving between 0º 00' and 0º 01', whilst Mars was moving quite quickly (he was very near the Sun at the time) -- a stunning 0º 42' per day. usually Venus would be the one who applied to Mars, and Mars would be said to 'collect' Venus's light. but not in this case -- here, Mars made the application to Venus and pushed his signification onto her. here, Venus collected Mars's light.

the point here is that planets are conferring when they perfect an aspect. the faster planet is providing a perspective or point of view, and the slower planet receives that point of view and decides what to do with it. this is why reception is so important with the malefics when they are the ones applied to -- we need an indication that they will cooperate. but Venus and Jupiter don't require reception to cooperate, because they're it is in their nature to assist when they can. (making this point to connect back to the above re: assisting vs afflicting aspects, and whether or not reception is required with Venus/Jupiter/Sun).

anyway, going a bit off topic here, just trying to connect that it actually is possible for the generally faster planet to collect light.
http://wadecaves.com | hello@wadecaves.com

Thank you for your reply it is very helpful .
And indeed that between the words of the question am l pregnant I meant did this time fertility's improvement work so that I will be pregnant.but it has to do with my husband's fertility not mine.
Very correct about money pressure not so far but if this it will take many Ivf efforts then will be for sure a big problem.
I wonder which planet represents doctor's help here and if the chart can reveal the number of efforts?