Peregrine Planets - lost causes?

Hi folks,

I've recently thrown a chart for myself wherein both the Moon and my Significator are peregrine, but they apply by trine to the Quesited.

Now, I understand that peregrine planets are weak, but in the case of my chart, they aptly describe my 'position' in the situation, which is essentially without power. However, the applying trine suggests that I am still able to implement the matter in question, and that, being a trine, the matter will still have some success, being that there is partile reception between the [peregrine] moon and the sig. of the Quesited, which is angular but only dignified by face.

Am I correct in this assumption? Are there situations where peregrine planets can still be effective, or are peregrine significators a lost cause?


Hi Archergirl,
while it's true that peregrine planets have little power to be effective, due to the fact that they have no essential strength, I think much depends on the question. If it is one where the querent desires to change or influence a situation or person, then a peregrine significator isn't a good sign - no pun intended - but if it's a question like "does X like me?" or "will the meeting go well?" then being peregrine may not be such a hindrance. In questions like that the answer lies more in the type of applying aspect, if any, and the nature of the receptions between the two significators. Also, you should check the amount of accidental dignity your sigs have, because that will help to a certain extent.
You have already acknowledged that you have little power in this situation and the peregrine Moon describes that perfectly, so just be aware of it and act accordingly.
The application by trine shows an opportunity and the reception - depending on its type - shows some degree of mutual inclination on the part of both parties. Frame your judgement around that.

Hope that helps.


Another important thing to look at, when dealing with peregrine planets, is how much accidental dignity they have. Are they angular? In positive aspect to a benefic planet or fixed star? Tenanting a house which they rule (e.g., a Scorpio moon in the fourth house is lacks essential dignity, but because of the Moon's association with the fourth house, it would be high in accidental dignity)?

It is my understanding that when a peregrine planet is high in accidental dignity, it can have a lot of influence through circumstance, but not through its own ability to act. Let's say you cast a chart about someone looking for a job, and the job-seeker's significator is peregrine, but high in accidental dignity--conjunct the Midheaven, aspected by benefics, etc. Maybe that person is not really qualified for the job (the peregrine significator), but he knows the right people (the benefics) and he is in the right place at the right time (the 10th house), so he gets hired.

Hope this helps!
Allow yourself to be molded by your own talents.

My pronouns are she, her, hers


It's so hard to say much without a chart in front of me but I'd highly advise that you read pages 184-186 of Book II of Christian Astrology. Lilly talks about how the different factors of dignity, malevolence, aspects and reception combine in judgments.

I assume your chart shows a pergrine planet making a trine without reception. Lilly seems to say that nothing will come about because of the lack of reception.
Moreover, it the Significator of the Querent, or thing sought after, or Moon, or Planet to whom she is joyned, whether she is a Significatrix, or hath participation in the Question, be joyned to an unfortunate Planet, viz. Retrograde, Combust, Cadent, then observe if Reception intervene; which if therebe, it signifies the perfection of the matter, though with wearinesse and much solicitation: If no reception be, the matter will come to nothing, though there have been much probability of its performance.
I keep coming back to these pages from Lilly all the time. After you read them a few dozen times it makes sense.
Mark F

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Oh, alright, alright, here's the chart. The question is whether I should ring my ex (He of my previous 3rd house question), not to *necessarily* facilitate a reunion of sorts, but just to re-establish contact, as we didn't part on bad terms, just due to circumstances neither of us had too much say in.

There *is* some reception between the Moon and his sig. Mercury; he is placed in his own house, radix 7, which I interpret as him 'looking to protect his own' as our parting was painful and a bit sudden. My Moon, I think, lacks any dignity (which is a bit how I feel! :lol: ), and Lord of the 1st Jupiter has dig. only by placement in the 11th (with *some* reception by exaltation to his Merc.). I (and the planets) would say I've got it bad for him.

But because both my significators are diminished, I wonder if the call is worth it. I haven't gone through Lilly's list of dignities/debilities, mainly because I'm lazy.

Would my colleagues kindly have a look?

Thanks so much.

You *should* be able to click on the link in the above post to get everything...are you able to do that from your computer? Sometimes these things don't work too well... :???: if not I'll go back and have a look...