And then McCain's chart (9 AM birth time). It's amazing!

Look at how his planets align with the U.S. chart:
Now if you could only get a majority to agree on that time for July 4th, or even that a chart for the 4th is all that significant! And which of the 3 McCain charts? ....

We will soon know the outcome. Polls will close on the East Coast some few hours after your post, and here you are frantically trying to predict the winner! :lol: Oh well, it's harmless enough ? and can be rather fun. :)

Kirk wrote:
And then McCain's chart (9 AM birth time). It's amazing!

Look at how his planets align with the U.S. chart:
Now if you could only get a majority to agree on that time for July 4th, or even that a chart for the 4th is all that significant! And which of the 3 McCain charts? ....

We will soon know the outcome. Polls will close on the East Coast some few hours after your post, and here you are frantically trying to predict the winner! :lol: Oh well, it's harmless enough ? and can be rather fun. :)
I stated up there I used the 9 AM chart.

Yeah, well it was fun...

Looks like from the exit polls, BO has won it!


I stated up there I used the 9 AM chart.
Sorry, I was unclear. I meant that none of the 3 times are for sure and everyone has his or her favorite.

I'm afraid you might be a bit of a lost soul after the results come in. :(

But don't get too blue, :? ... there's gotta be something out there you can predict. :D


McCain's birthtime certificate

On 03-11-2008 I received a mail from someone who read my analysis on Obama's chart which I have on my website from july 2008.

He gave me the link to Mc Cain's birth cetificate, which I published om my website.

http://home.hetnet.nl/~ligteneigen1/hor ... tml#McCain

It is in dutch language (I'm dutch), but read the birth certificate.
I calculated this chart and made my clear predictions.
You can use some translation service on the internet from dutch to english.

There were no doubts.....if Iknew this before, it would have been a GREAT prediction, but ok.. now it was 2 days before.

Goodluck here.... John

Gunhilde wrote:I think people 'predict' what they really want to happen...and not necessarily anything but that...we are human, and thus fallible. :D
Well, I admit, I let the good aspects guide me for McCain and the bad ones guide me for BO. And I wanted to encourage all the McCain supporters to not give up and to go VOTE.

But what bothered me all along was that 28 degree on BO's birth chart. This year, his Uranus, ruler of his ASC moved to 28 degrees and that put it in nearly exact square to his MC. That told me something remarkable would happen with him. Two things there for him this year; his grandmother - who was like a mother (10th ) to him died, that was unpleasant for him, but winning the election was a positive thing for him!


If you use the traditional Rulers instead of Including Uranus as a ruler, Saturn Trine Jupiter means a whole lot more. You may wish to reconsider the chart without modern rulerships. Especially since President elect Obama has a very strong Natal Saturn.

Uranus in the First house. According to Rob Hand "you will radically redefine your relationship with the outside world. Old patterns will be broken down, which will force people to look upon you differently."

Neptune traversing his First gives him strong ideals, which may sometimes seem illusion, but we already know he has high ideals.

Pluto traversing his 11th brings changes to goals. We already know Pluto into Capricorn brings great change in Management, I strongly suspect we may see a difference in how he deals with congress adnambassadors as compared to other leaders.

He will have a Jupiter Return when Jupiter reaches 0 aquarius 52

that is roughly January 9th, just 11 days before the Inaugeration.

Probably worth a good look. Natal jupiter in the 12th house of large intitutions. Secret enemies, etc. AS is his Very strong Saturn.

anyway just some transits and thoughts to consider. Might do well to look at this through the Mundane topic, I think I will post this there as well.


Hi, everyone!

I peeked in in here a few times the last month or two, just to see your opinions and discussions and I did find some rather interesting thoughts.
As I said somewhere before, after my teenage "struck" of political awareness :lol: I stopped losing my nerves over it but, from astrological point of view it is, of course, still very interesting. And this "moment of truth" is the most interesting part of it all- the time to re-check the thoughts and look for what might have been missed or overseen.

I've always been rather fascinated by Mundane astrology and there is a man, an Astrologer, who fascinates me with his clean and precise predictions. I had a chance to talk to him only once, a few years ago and his explanation of "how he does that" was rather simple and something, I guess, most professionals (from all sorts of fields) could say- "concentrating on one field"! In his case, it was Mundane astrology and he'd been practicing it exclusively for some 15 years at the time. He also said that paying attention to aspects and positions that repeat itself in different charts hold at least half of each story and that he tries to take them into consideration regardless of the fact there's no literature to prove them as long as he notices enough strong signs of a certain outcome they will/might bring. Since he had started as a traditional Astrologer, and since Mundane astrology nowdays must "cope" with all sorts of things that ancient and medieval authors could'nt have even imagined, he tried to figure out what might be informative for some of these "new age" appart from modern rulers (though, he uses them as well). Now, the reason why I'm mentioning him is that I didn't have the opportunity to read any of his recent chart readings and predictions regarding this event but I do remember one of his articles printed in a magazine some 5 years ago when he had absolutely no doubts about Bush ruling twice, an economic crisis within a few years time and the president after Bush being black (it was, of course, long time before it became actual). So, I'm guessing he had no doubts whether Obama would be elected and I'm really curious to hear what he'd have to say about all these predictions lately. Roughly - I'd say at least 70% of all the predictions I've recently read were on McCain's "side"! Many, many very experienced Astrologers were wrong on this one and I find it extremely interesting. What went wrong? :)

Now, i'm no expert in Mundane Astrology and I didn't even dare suggesting the outcome (I was confused with which chart to use, in the first place) and as for Horary charts, I admit, I was a huge skeptic but just yesterday I opened Obama's Natal chart and the confusion continues. I remember some of the forum members discussing "royal signs" in the charts of both candidates and concluding that, basically, none of them them had any in particular and thus neither of the charts was announcing a future leader. And I agree there or, at least, his chart does not look like "one of these charts"- the first look at it and I'm thinking: maybe I'm the next president myself! :D We can, of course always find some strong signs "post festum" but I'd like to know, why they seemed so "non important" or, should I say, "not strong enough" to denote a ruler of a country (any country, of any size)!? Is it the fact that times are changing and people who take big things into their hands need a different kind of potential or, as trivial as it might sound- need to have more "down to Earth" or "one of us" signs rather that royal ones?
Anyways, just some of the things I've been trying to "decipher" for the last two days and I'm curious to hear what others think. And I would surely like to see his chart delineated here on the forum. Until then, that chart is a treat!

(Naughty me, I immediately spotted that Venus in his 5th house! :brows )

Winner of the Nov. 4th Election

Astrologicaly, The 4 eclipses in 2008 before the elections were very good when placed around Obama's natal, progressed, and lunar arc progressed Anlunar, all set for Honolulu, HI. All progressions are to the time of his speech in Chicago at 11:00 pm, CST, on election night. As almost every aspect is within 1? of exactness and all aspects are to major angles of the charts I believe the birth certificate as presented for Aug 4, 1961, 7:25 pm, AHST, is correct.

What are the odds that 47 years before this year a time would be chosen at a place where this year's eclipses would all aspect 3 different charts for that time and place so favorably?

The annotated charts can be seen here: (Click on the thumbnails, then click on the larger image to see it full size.)

http://s46.photobucket.com/albums/f111/ ... sEclipses/
