I had asked a question on 8th of september 2008. And i got yes, whereas the result was a No.

My deduction was that Pluto stationed, his dispositor Jupiter stationed, Jupiter trine with Saturn. Venus antiscia relationship with Uranus. :???:

I think that when planets are very tightly involved in close aspects. Sometimes they are not interested at all to do any thing. The question more a result of a frustration than a desire. :???:



Hi Deb and all of you!

Thank you for posting the chart!

Here is the story somewhat short (I don?t want to bore the life out of any of you!)

This man, let?s call him M and I had a very intense love affair from September 8, 2000 until January 9, 2001. It was so deeply intense that we couldn?t take hands of each other even in public. We felt real physical pain when we couldn?t touch each other. (Venus/Pluto conjunction in our Synastry) :D

And God, I did love him! Short, rather fat with red hair that he was.
I would have walked barefooted through Europe if he had asked me to! I would have committed murder!

At that time however, I was married. My husband (whom I loved very much, although more like a father) was much older than me and very sick so there was no way I could leave him.

So M ended our affair, saying I didn?t love him enough and that he only would end up getting severely hurt.

I was devastated. The worst time in my life actually.

Well, in late May 2008 my husband passed away.

And in July 2008 M started to pop up so to speak. At work, at home, on the streets. We talked a lot and on my account all hell broke loose again. And I could feel that it did in him to.

But Deb is right (as always!) he was not single. During the last years he has hooked up with a female Scorpio who chased him already when we had our affair. She is 64! Gives hope to all of us older women!

Well, I popped the question to him September 2. If it really was too late for us. And he answered that it was. He still thought that I didn?t love him enough. And would only be leaving him in the end and hurting him.

And now I do wish to hurt him. With something heavy in the head! :D

Although, as I said, looking at the chart I don?t seem so very much in love, do I?

Rather odd I must say.