Astrology News Service

Many of us will have received the following email this morning:

AFA Welcomes Astrology News Service!

In May 2010, four astrology organizations - AFA, ISAR, NCGR, and AFAN - began to discuss the need to educate the public about astrology. To enable the community to more effectively confront its critics, overcome objections and generally improve the impressions people have of astrology and astrologers, the organizations formed the Astrology News Service (ANS).

The ANS website (, launched February 9, is the first online astrology site with articles and information for the general public and news media. Articles on the Web site feature all areas of astrology, as well as issues related to astrology?s believability and value to society.

ANS also sends news releases and other materials to traditional and online media using a media distribution system created with support from the astrological organizations. Editors and broadcasters are encouraged to visit the Web site and use the content posted there as source material.

The ANS is grateful to the four astrological organizations whose support has made this project possible. As a volunteer-driven effort, the ANS relies on members of the astrological community for story ideas, volunteers, and ideas. In the coming weeks, ANS will reach out to additional astrological organizations to continue to forge ties between groups and create a unified voice.

We hope you?ll visit the website at and help us spread the word!

This might be a good thing, depending on its quality over time.