Trump and his administration's future

By: Bob on September 19th, 2019 at 4:08 am
A post I made on February 12th and 13th 2017:

On September 18, 2019, Saturn will station Dx opposite Sibly Sun, Nixon’s resignation Sun, and my GOP chart’s Sun. Mars will be activating Sibly Mars and Neptune, Pluto will trine Sibly Neptune.

This is just 116 days before January 13, 2020.

Prog tRump with Sep 18 transits

2017 Inauguration prog with Sep 18 transits

Inauguration chart with transits

Anlunar prog to Sep 18 with tRump prog natal
From a post of mine on DU (January 2019):

Saturn in Capricorn will oppose the US Sun January 17, 2019, in longitude and RA when the next Congress takes over, and will station in opposition in September 2019. An event that precipitates September 18th and 19th station occurs on about July 25th. The July date tells us there is less than 1 year for almost everyone to finally believe he will be put out. During that September time he will finally admit that he has lost and will begin looking for a deal which he will probably finalize in the 3 days before Thanksgiving. That deal will see his leaving office in January 2020.

Something may come out in June or July that leads to Pelosi’s Jupiter transit in September when it trines her natal Jupiter on or around the 16th.
By: Bob on June 17th, 2019 at 10:55 am

I think he will be neutralized in 60 days.

It may take longer to finalize but as of September 18th he may be just a figurehead for his…his…his? His whatever.
By: Bob on July 20th, 2019 at 2:33 am

Posted on inauguration day 2017:

“I am hoping that trump (or Republican policies passed) will have produced such blow-back by voters that he resigns rather than be impeached or the GOP, fearing the loss of the presidency and Congress later in the year side with Democrats in order to impeach him.

This would be in January 2020, possibly on the 13th when the Sun, Saturn, and Pluto oppose his natal Saturn. If the GOP is fearful enough they will play nice the rest of the time before elections.

Another chart I have indicates the date could be January 16th.???
By: Bob on January 20th, 2017, at 4:12 pm

Mashup chart for that day:
By: Bob on September 22nd, 2019 at 4:05 pm

I have been posting it for almost 3 years Banks most recently on January 13th of this year on DU. I Sent the link for my DU posts to Kim in early June.

My earliest posts with that material may have been on Astrology Weekly but a low life over there hacked into my computer and deleted 10s of thousands of files and since then my computer always got messed up whenever I went there so I stopped using that site.

Things work out – that persons MC and natal Saturn will get a direct hit from the January stellium

Trump administration chart progressed to January 13, 2020 with transits.

It's a bit funny, I'm Ukrainian emigrant in US and I did inauguration charts both for Tramp and Zelenskiy(president of Ukraine) after their elections. And both charts have Mars around 12th house cusps, very bad position regarding Mars in 12th considered being in place of shame (opposite being in joy in 6th) also both charts showing that two presidents really supported by their countries populations, ordinary folks, truly being their nations representatives. And both presidents facing severe struggles with political opponents and inflicted 9th houses showing potentially massive legal problems, and conflicts with foreign governments and so on.