Harmonic 256 ( 1° 24' 22'')

p Sun/Kronos = 1° 01' 19''
natal Sun/Kronos = 0° 19' 18''

We can add or subtract the values so that we can find the opposition (0° 42' 11'') and square (0° 21' 05'') positions , because the whole circle we use is 1° 24' 22''.

p Sun/Kronos = 1° 01' 19'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 19' 08''
natal Sun/Kronos = 0° 19' 18''

The difference is only 10''.

Solar Jupiter = natal Sun/Kronos
Solar Jupiter = 0° 19' 28''
natal Sun/Kronos = 0° 19' 18''

Solar Jupiter/Kronos = natal Sun = natal Kronos

Solar Jupiter/Kronos = 0° 29' 32''
natal Kronos = 1° 11' 51'' - 0° 42' 11'' = 0° 29' 40''
natal Sun = 0° 51' 09'' - 0° 21' 05'' = 0° 30' 04''


Linchi wrote:
I still have the papers I haven't published because I've been ill for five weeks.

I trust that you don't have the virus, Linchi, and wish you well for increasing good health. I join you in a difficult health period following surgery and another problem that has surfaced. This has kept mental deliberation and my Skyscript posts to a minimum.

As always, I'm greatly looking forward to your continued research on the Mean and so-called True node.

Thanks linchi for your explanation. Being a beginner studying principles of the Hamburg School of Astrology, it is going to take me some time to wrap my mind around a 256 harmonic analysis. Hope you get well soon--stay safe.

Regards, Steve