The Great Retrograde Pile Up of 2020


Just now we are looking at the imminent prospect of a massive 6 planet retrograde pile up! Saturn went retrograde (Rx) on Monday May 11th Venus went Rx On Tuesday May 12th, Jupiter went retrograde on Thursday May 14th , Mercury goes Rx next on June 18th. Pluto is already Rx and Neptune goes retrograde on June 22nd. The mean north lunar node is also changing signs from Cancer to Gemini next month. So with all this intense retrograde action coming together what do people think will happen? What are the heavens trying to tell us? Financial astrologers suggest planets going Rx can indicate a change in the markets. So with so many planets involved are we looking at a potential second crash on the stock markets? Regarding the Coronavirus does this indicate the virus lessening over the next few months or intensifying? Is this just a respite until a second wave in the Autumn?

As thou conversest with the heavens, so instruct and inform thy minde according to the image of Divinity William Lilly

I'm wandering if Uranus only direct with Mars (until the end of year) are only the locomotives of economy and finances. And since Uranus in Taurus now and by some technique Uranus ruling 10th house of Taurus (associated with Aquarius, 10th house from Taurus), so mostly active everything connected with computers, IT, network, trading online...

I was thinking also in regards of some professional matters. Being professional architect, we might need to redesign some projects counting on new "social distancing" rules, like in restaurant needs every other table only to be served, classrooms with greater distancing, etc. So, in generally spacious (retro Jupiter)requirements. That might become more lasting rules since coronavirus not goes away completely and might come back even this later fall...
So, retrograde Venus quite relates to rethinking "social distancing" while Uranus transiting Taurus where Venus is ruler implies on something unexpected/unusual, and describes also alternative with remote online work or education...

Yuriy wrote:
I'm wandering if Uranus only direct with Mars (until the end of year) are only the locomotives of economy and finances. And since Uranus in Taurus now and by some technique Uranus ruling 10th house of Taurus (associated with Aquarius, 10th house from Taurus), so mostly active everything connected with computers, IT, network, trading online...
Interesting that we are moving into a configuration in 2021-2021 with 4 squares between Saturn and Uranus. This will be the reverse of the .com bubble crash at the turn of this century. Then Uranus was in Aquarius and Saturn in Taurus in 2020-2021 when these square took place.

This line looks far more dramatic due to the volume of squares and the fact we have a Jupiter Uranus square first in 2021.

As thou conversest with the heavens, so instruct and inform thy minde according to the image of Divinity William Lilly

Massively difficult to read in my opinion.

My interest is in the Main Stock Markets and usually when Jupiter SR we get a Stall within a few Days.

Too when Venus SRs.

Then you get into the Debate about a Malefic like Saturn SR-ing. Does it make things easier ?

I think Pluto's retrograde motion since very late April as gone unnoticed.

For me it seemed to be the Moment when the Real CoVid Stress seemed to ease.

I think r.Saturn is just getting Warmed Up.