Will I get the new job?

I need a second opinion on a client horary.

Data: Tel Aviv, IL | 16:30 | 16.7.20

Client is women who works as a kindergarten minor assistant and applied for a job as a full-fledged kindergarten assistant (a role with responsibility over more children and better pay).

She asked two questions using this horary:
1. Will I be better off in my new job?
2. Will I get the new job?

It's also important to note that client was fearful of the attempt to switch to the new job even though the conditions are better and that her surroundings often tell her that it's the right thing to do.

Here's a link to the Horary Chart:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LwacY_ ... LrrguEaq3Q


Hi Dima - we normally ask that the astrologer post their own interpretation as well.

I would approach it as a stay or go horary where the current job represents the 1st/10th and the new one is 7th/4th. I have found those to be reliable and I had a reading from Wade Caves who used that method and was accurate.

Is the condition of the current job 1st/10th better than the 7th/4th? Does the chart indicate there will be change of job (are the angles fixed or in moveable signs, are significators fixed, etc. Is the ascendant lord or the moon applying to the 7th house/lord of change, etc.)?

Hey Tanit,

I've Judged that the client will get the job since the Moon will conjunct Venus (ruler of the 11th, which is the 2d from 10th; that is the next job). in 9 time units. The time units weren't days, they might be weeks and if it's the case I'll know the answer from the client soon enough.
First I've downplayed the prohibition from Mars (becuase it's by sextile and Mars is essentially strong) but now I'm not so sure anymore.
So far no good, the interview ended up being in the end of august, they haven't returned to her since.

I'm familiar with the "should I stay or should I go" method.
But I was sure it only refers to 1st (current) vs. 7th (alternate).
In which cases do you use the 4th vs. 10th and why do you ascribe the 4th as the alternate situation?

In which cases do you use the 4th vs. 10th and why do you ascribe the 4th as the alternate situation?
When a querent wants to compare the current situation and job to a new situation and job. You turn the chart so that the 7th becomes the alternative reality and that makes the 4th lord the 10th for that road. Think of it kind of like a tarot spread where you draw certain cards to show the current road if you proceed as is and then a draw cards that show an alternative road. As I said, Wade Caves gave me a professional reading with this method when I was deciding on a career path and it turned out correct. However, I am of the mind that a chart is formed so that the astrologer who asked the question can interpret it, so it may not be necessary to extract the correct information with this method.

To me it seems obvious that the alternative job/situation would make the querent happier. The NN is in the 7th, a benefic resides in the 7th, the 7th lord is stronger than the 1st, etc. The Moon is almost within orb of the 7th house and might also suggest change is approaching. It is decreasing in light, which can show a conclusion. The fact that the 4th lord is retro and the Moon applies to a malefic is not great though but Venus also beholds the Moon and is said to help mitigate the effects of Mars. Mars is in the 4th and could suggest some leadership roles or a difficult coworker who is a leader that might make the new work environment difficult or possibly difficult to attain. However, it still resides in the turned 10th and would likely perfect the matter and show they get the job, although sextiles are weak aspects and Bonatti would say they require effort by the querent. The 4th lord retro can show contradictions, as I keep mentioning in other charts. That is, something may be offered and then denied or vice versa. If they are reapplying for a role then it would explain that though. Retro planets have been very confusing lately. However, Mars dignified and direct has not been so bad (at least in my own charts).

Thanks Tanit,

But, how do you decide whether to check the 7th or the 4th for the alternative scenario?
Would you use the 4th for job-related issues and the 7th for personal issues?

About the horary:
- I'm not entirely sure about using Mars as the questied. I usually use present vs. alternate scenario merely to judge which is better, while using aspects between the lords of the appropriate houses to check if the event will happen or not.
- It does needs to be pointed out that Jupiter (related to his role as lord-4) is the weakest planet in the chart using Lilly's point scoring system (though Mercury isn't as amazing as well).
- Also, if you use modern planets, Neptune is on the cusp of the 4th which presents further difficulties with the new job. Maybe vaguely defined line of work, messy kindergarten, tiresome conditions of work, et cetera.

The 7th is a house of change so it can show change in general but it also represents the querent as a whole in a change. The 4th specifically represents the job in that change.

Keep in mind that in horary we give the ascendant and 1st lord to the querent and not just their ruler itself. To me the chart shows SN in the 1st and 1st lord in fall in a sign of Saturn and retro as an afflicted current state. This would suggest a lifeless situation or soul-sucking situation. The change shows NN, a benefic and an accidentally dignified Mercury as the new state, in a sign of a luminary (luminaries being life giving while malefics tend to take away life). The essential dignity is not great either way but accidental dignity and other things are still important. The NN increases good energies while SN decreases good energies and is why they are generally seen as opposing energies. Whenever I have them on the ascendant versus descendant like that I take it as a sign that the current situation is not great but a new situation could be better. If nothing else, it shows that the querent should not stay where they are. There is always another option - other jobs. If someone wants to know if they will get a job, they need only wait for a phone call. Where horary is I think helpful is when it helps support that finding a new job is a good idea.

Points taken.

Any chance you can give an estimate for timing (for getting the new job)?

I've timed it 9 weeks since the moon takes 9 time units to get to Venus (ruler of 11th).
Weeks because the moon is in a mutable sign (medium time units) and also in a cadent house (which wouild be fast time units accord. to Frawley's method since querent has no control over when she will get the job).

Was timing of the job a question to begin with (it wasn't mentioned in the intro)?

The Moon applies to Mars in a cadent house in a mutable sign but Mars is cardinal and angular. They are 6 degrees apart. The current job as Mercury (and the 7th lord of change) also gives its light to Mars in 4 degrees. Those degree markers could signify weeks to months. Mutable is usually weeks but a cadent Moon suggests delay and the 1st lord is in shackles in fall conjunct Saturn. It could be the 6 degree mark represents the 6 weeks to the interview you mentioned, in which case maybe the 4 degree mark could be months. Jupiter as the querent also turns direct in mid Sept and could be significant for forward movement rather than being shackled.

Querent asked about timing as a follow up question.

Mid-september is about the 9 time units of my timing prediction.
About the 4 months (which would be around mid-november), I might get an update from the querent.

Have a nice weekend Tanit.
Where on earth are you from?