Saunders on How to Find Any Part of the Body on the Chart

Saunders publishes a chart on p. 97 of vol. 1, AJP which shows us how to find each part of the body on the decumbiture chart. Its purpose is to allow us to analze the humoral balance of any part of the body, and to determine which part of the body is originating which imbalance, and to determine how the parts affect one another and the whole body. We use the same rules for finding the humoral balance of the liver (see previous post) to find the humoral balance of any other body part.

Since I am unable to duplicate it here, I will attempt to describe the chart by house.

Saunders says, "note that every house hath 30 degrees, 25 degrees within the Ascendant, and 5 degrees past, or virutally in the next house."

In house 1, he lists:

The top of the Head
Midst of the Head
Poll or Chin
near the throat
Eyes and

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In house 2, he lists:



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In house 3, he lists:

Throat next the stomach

The upper part of the stomach

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In house 4, he lists:

Midst of the Stomach
The lower part of the Stomach

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In house 5, he lists:


- - - - - - - - - -

House six is blank, presumably because it is one of the two houses of illness used by Saunders.

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House 7 notes:

These be limbs

Arms 6
Knees 10
Shanks 20
Feet 24

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In house eight, he lists:

The Secrets

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In house nine, he lists:


- - - - - - - - - -

In house ten, he lists:

Reins 6-19
Back 24-26
Kidneys 28

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In house eleven, he lists:


- - - - - - - - - -

House twelve, as one of the two houses of illness (I suppose), is left blank.

Warmest regards,

"Id rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance"

Saunders on Planets on the Cusp

Saunders says in AJP Vol.1 p. 96:

". . . And in any of the Angles or places as you shall find a Planet not remote from the Cusp, in that place which it signifieth, there is pain and Disease in the body more or less; and these Rules fail not."

So we look for planets on the cusps of the houses of the chart, and in those parts of the body we can expect to find humoral imbalances along with pain or symptoms.

Warmest regards,

"Id rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance"

Body parts in relation to houses in the chart

My belief is Head area to Chin belongs to 1st house, Aries and Mars
Chin and neck throat belongs to 2nd house Taurus and Venus
Shoulders, lungs, arms belong to 3rd house Gemini and Mercury
Breasts, womb stomach belong to 4th house Cancer and Moon
Upper spine area, heart belong to 5th house Leo and Sun
Intestines digestive system belong to 6th house, Virgo and Mercury (Vulcan?)
Pancreas, kidney system belongs to 7th house Libra and Venus
Reproductive & eliminative system, bowels belong to 8th house Scorpio and Pluto
Hips and thighs belong to 9th house Sagittarius and Jupiter
skeletal system especially knees belong to 10th house Capricorn and Saturn
Calves and ankles belong to 11th house, Aquarius and Uranus
Feet belong to 12th house Pisces and Neptune

This is a general outline and delineation in my opinion.


This is a fascinating topic!

How do you actually figure out the illness from this? Meaning, does the particular planet conjuncting (conjunct, right?) the house cusp (can it be conjuncting it from the previous house?) factor in as to the illness?

For example, I have Sun conjunct my AC (but out of sign). How would that manifest medically?