One Year, One Month, and One Day after the events of 11th Sept. 2001, we experienced the first Bali Bombing.
The Bali terrorist bombing occurred on 12th October 2002, in the town of Kuta on the Indonesian island of Bali, killing 202 people and injuring a further 209, most of whom were foreign tourists.
At 23:05pm an electronically triggered bomb exploded in Paddy's Bar, seconds later, a second much more powerful bomb concealed in a white van exploded in front of the Sari Club.
Hopefully details are still at this web-site:-
The M.C. is 18*57' Aries, Part of Fortune is 19*27' Aries, the I.C. is 18*57' Libra, Juno is 13*44' Libra and Sun is 19*09' Libra, the Moon is exactly conjunct Desc. in Capricorn.
B) 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing, details can be found under Wikipedia.
October 23rd 1983 around 6:20am. a yellow Mercedes delivery truck drove to Beirut airport, where the United States marines had their local headquarters. The suicide bomber detonated about 5400kg of TNT, and killed 241 American servicemen.
If you make up a chart, you will find Pluto and Saturn conjunct Asc. and Juno approx. 4 degrees from Desc.
C) CNN report on Shiite "Golden Mosque" heavily damaged.
The has been few attacks in Irag that has created so much hatred.
I quote:- "A group of men dressed like Iraqi police commandos set off explosives at the Al Askariya Golden Mosque in Samarra on Wednesday 22nd Feb. 2006". Samarra Iraq Lat 34*N12', Long. 43*E52'.
The attack occurred at 7:00am. at the Holy Shiite Mosque, and blew the dome off, curfews were set up after this attack as feelings ran so high, which can still be felt in the area.....Arabian Part of Fortune within two degrees of M.C., and Juno approx. one degree off I.C.

A lot of the seekers of the mysteries of life have interest in 33 degree latitude, and give or take a degree or two, i can see why they have so much interest in this area, but i also see a lot of tension along this line.
It seems ironic that Tel Aviv at Lat 32*N04' and indeed Jerusalem at 31*N46' was threatened during the First Gulf War by scud missiles from Baghdad that sits at 33* Lat., and indeed also shows the area where the Tigres and Euphrates rivers come closest which seems the place of the earliest human civilization.
Recent threats have come from Beirut, along this line, and it would seem from Syria and Damascus, again along 33 degrees, the longest continually inhabited city in the world!
If Atlantis did ever exist, i would hazard a guess that it was where 33* Lat. where it joined 33* Long., near the Southern end of the island of Cypress, in the Mediterranean Sea, believed to host vast unexplored archeological resourches from nearby ancient cultures.
The Knight Templars obviously thought this area was important, as long after they had become non-effective in the Holy Lands, they dug their heels in in Cyprus, their main castles obviously in Limassol at Lat. 34*N40'
and Long. 33*E02'.
The ancient pre- India city, Harappa once lay at this latitude as does the Northern Himalayas, Lungdo, Tibet, and the disputed Kashmir region that had a terrible Earthquake recently at Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan, Lat 34*N22' Long 73*E28', on Saturday 8th October 2005 at 9:25am, Mars on Desc., and Uranus on I.C.
Indeed the list can go on, even Alexander is at 31*, the site of the great library.
Early in this thread i showed how somehow W.W.1. and the flavour of St. Vitas seemed entwinned....the collective consciousness seems prone to this symbolism, how it works, i have no idea!
I'm going to show another time that this happened down the 33* degree line, that involves fixed star parans.
It is an unfortunate example, but don't connect to recent events which isnt intended.
In fact if you have Brady's book of fixed stars then look up page 339 in hardback, and i quote:- "Between the years of 1943 and 1947, Pluto was involved in the heliacal rising of Sirius along the 33 degree latitude. Pluto was at early degrees of Leo, so as the Sun rose in in late July and early August the combination of stars and planets were Sirius, Achernar, and Pluto. On August 6th 1945, Hiroshima, a city on that latitude, was destroyed by nuclear attack.
Within three days on August 9th, Nagasaki was also destroyed.
Although a little lower in latitude, this city was also at the time being effected by the same stars.
The astrological reason as to why this happened in 1945 and not one of the other years has to do with the star El Nath, which is associated with weapons. In 1945 Uranus was also rising with El Nath at the latitude of Nagasaki."
(I have a Mercury/Jupiter paran to El Nath, which is why i study the things that hurt us.)
That is as far as Bernadette goes, but there is another connection to 33* Degrees, being the site of the first test of a nuclear bomb on 16th July 1945, near Soccoro, New Mexico, along a morbidly named valley whiched translated from Spanish means "Journey of the dead". The exact Lat. is 33*40' and 106*28' Long.
Strange co-incidence which obviously it is, carry on as President Truman was the 33rd President, who to save American lives had to make the difficult decision to drop the bomb on Hirosima on 6th August 1945, which shares this day with a biblical feast day.
The bible has been read for countless centuries, and i can only conclude that the thoughts that this has left in the collective consciousness, morbidly and accidently showed a symbolism attached to "The Transfiguration of Christ, where he changed into a blinding white being, so that the disciples had to turn away for fear of being blinded...after which a huge cloud appeared above, and a voice said "This is my son with whom i am well pleased".
The bomb that day was named "Small Boy".
The strange accidents that happen in our weird collective consciousness, always astonish me!
The West has always searched for the secrets hidden in the Middle East and during the time of the British Mandate, which safeguarded human rights, before countries in the area had their own governments, they tried one last time to dig up secrets.
I cringe in the knowledge that Western archaeologists actually used dynamite in the 19th century inside Cheops pyramid in an effort to find secret rooms.
The mandate was given by the Leaque of Nations, and Article 21 sticks in the eye, perhaps you would like to look.

To be an astrologer of the calibre of most that post here, a period of study is needed, indeed to study under "The Faculty of Astrological Studies", will take many years, i am only self taught, so there are gaps in my knowledge, yet because of that, i can study the differences in astrological rules, that seem to separate us, i am a strange hybrid, as before i was disabled i attended the London Colledge of Psychic studies, that tend to concentrate on inner gifts and mediumistic work.
My observations in astrology and the electronic collective consciousness (World Wide Web), have led me to bring up a "Hornet's Nest" of dispute, being the Creator's orbs.
The first time this touched my consciousness was the thousands of web-sites that sprung up, after John Mirehiel started "The Harmonic Concordance discussion".
Indeed as most astrologers use tighter orbs than Johm Mirehiel, i was surprised that Bil Tierney of "Dynamics of aspect analysis" fame has a section on John Mirehiel's web-site, which hopefully you will find at this web link:-
In fact i have collected many reports from top astrologers that have interpretive reports on record, regarding the grand sextile that passed over the world during the 8th and 9th of November 2003, in fact i'm looking at a favourable report on these orb structures at this moment from Melanie Reinhart.
I wish not to enter this dispute, and i will agree that i'm not qualified to do so, but you must admit that the arguement exists between top astrologers.
We can look at this further by "The Faculty", as we know that the first book that they will instruct you to buy is "Parker's Astrology, New Edition",
yet on page 110, it say's that the orb structure for sextiles is 6 degrees and squares 8 degrees.
Even astrology programmes use different orbs, so looking for these patterns on an animated astrology wheel is hit or miss depending on what orbs you are using.
The Grand Sextile that started this dispute passed over London on 9th November 2003 at 01:14am that consisted of Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mars, Chiron and the Sun, but you will have to enlarge your orb-structure to find it.
John Mirehiel used an orb structure of six degree's on sextile separating orbs on the luminaries/Sun/Moon, and separating orbs of 5 degrees on all other planets/Chiron.
We can see further interest in the large sacred geometry patterns, by the work of Ed Gilliam, who is a well known astrologer, who studied under the Faculty, and Jill Whitman, that till recently had a web-site called "The official web-site of the Grand Quintile", that started with the Grand Quintiles of 2004, unfortunately it seems that this web-site isnt on the web at the moment.
Their work was following all pentacles and pentagons that happened between 1 A.D. up to 2500 A.D.
Obviously they never gave actual times these grand quintiles took place.
It is hard enough earning a living as an astrologer, and they are probably writing a book.
But they did say how many of these were in any given century, and during this time period there were 150.
But using an orb of 3 degrees on app. and sep. orbs....which is larger than some astrologers use on sep. orbs regarding quintiles.
It is a pain in the butt to go through the centuries looking for these patterns, and as there is a dispute, then you can hardly disagree with me to enlarge my orbs to satisfy all top astrologers, if i give this information freely.
My research has led me to think that all large planetary alignments discharge energy slowly, thus the outline is blurred over a few months and events, but this is only a personal opinion.
You may find it interesting to investigate the results i found in the 20th Century.
The symbol of "The Star of David" was brought into sharp focas by the very damaged soul, Hitler, during the 2nd World War, so i will start with this period.
By using larger orbs, we had a grand sextile in 1905, and then nothing till 1937, two during the 2nd World War, then another in 1948, i will come back to the 1905 and 1937 one later....i wish to look at one in 1941, 1945, and 1948 to start with, which we can explore in the next thread section.
I have only looked at these with the symbolism of Jews, but i would agree that during the war years, it is difficult to place these alignments anywhere, as every location had important events going on during this period.

Although Auschwitz concentration camp was started in 1940, the much larger evil Auschwitz 2-Berkenau camp was ordered by Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler, when he visited the camp on 1st March 1941.
Some Polish villages had to be destroyed including Brzezinka, to make way for the new camp. (German spelling for Brzezinka is Berkenau, hence it's name.)
After 1st March 1941, till work started, i have been unable to find a time-line with construction, but obviously was within a 2-3 week period.
The Birkenau Camp dealt mostly with the extermination of Jews, having 95% of all gas chambers and crematoria.
on the 17th March 1941 at 14:00pm., a planetary plus Chiron, Star of David passed over Auschwitz.
Details as follows:- Brzezinka, Krakow, Poland. 50*N08', 19*E45'.
Moon trine Venus -04*30' sep. Moon sextile Mars -03*43' sep. Moon opp. Uranus -00*22' app. Moon sextile Neptune -03*38' app. Moon trine Chiron -02*40' app. Venus sextile Mars -00*47'app. Venus sextile Uranus +04*52' app. Venus opp. Neptune -08*08' app. Venus trine Chiron +07*09' app. Mars trine Uranus +04*05' app. Mars trine Neptune 07*21' app. Mars opp. Chiron -06*22' app. Uranus trine Neptune +03*16' app. Uranus sextile Chiron +02*17'sep. Neptune sextile Chiron +00*59'.
I have chosen Auschwitz as a location for the symbolism of a Star of David, but the world was going crazy at this point, and Hitler was in the middle of planning the invasion of the U.S.S.R. where 19 million Russians died on the Eastern Front.
Other interesting symbolism happened on 15th Feb 1941, using a 3 degree sep. orb on Quintiles, this would form a Pentagon in the sky.
Check out Washington D.C. at 12:00pm. midday involving Mercury, Mars, Moon, Pluto and Uranus.
Using three degrees, this pentagon happened only twice more in the 20th Century. During this time America was in the middle of designing the "Pentagon", the groundbreaking ceremony was held on 11th September 1941.....As above...As below?
Details on "The Pentagon" on web-link:-
The Soviet Army liberated Auschwitz on 27th Jan. 1945.
11 days later on 7th Feb. 1945 at 04:30am. an all planetary "Star of David" passed over Auschwitz, all sextile orbs under 05* degrees, and all trines under 06*25', that involved the Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, Venus and Mercury.
Obviously there was plenty going on at other locations during the death spasms of the Third Reich, and the end of the war was only a few months away.
Finally a "Star of David" passed over Tel Aviv, Israel, 32*N46', 34*E46', on Friday 27th Feb. 1948, at 23:00pm. All sextile orbs under 4* degrees, which was one of only two in the 20th Century that had so tight orbs.
This involved the Moon, Mars, Uranus, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter.
Approx. two and a half months later on 14th May 1948, Ben Gurion declared the State of Israel.
My observations are only a basis of discussion, the large planetary alignments remain an area of debate and mystery.

I'm a far better student of sacred geometry than astrology, thus the orbit pattern of Venus, that shows a heart by retrograde motion in approx. 400 days and a rose or pentacle in eight years, has interested me for many years, which is connected to the "Golden Spiral/mean.
Hopefully i will be able to get back to sacred geometry soon, my research may interest.
however lets stay with astrology and the Venus transits of 2004 and 2012 which occur in the second half of sideral Taurus....in the "Horns of the Bull"......El-nath is the North Horn and Al Hecka is the South Horn.
The Mayans were obsessed with Venus and her cycles....and counting!
Now the bit between "Superior conjunction". (Venus direct, Venus conjunct Sun), and maximum elongation is 220 to 221 days, pretty close to 224 days, her orbit around the Sun.
Now- lets look at some dates for 2012 and around:-
15th may 2012- Venus goes retrograde.
6th June 2012- Transit of Venus over the Sun.
28th June- Venus goes direct.
16th Aug.- Max elongation of Venus orbit.
21st December 2012- End of Mayan Calendar.
29th March 2013- Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunction.
So far so good....Now earlier in this thread i mentioned that there is confusion over orbs with grand sextiles, thus i will set down the orbs on one in 2013, that i found some time ago.
Moon trine Venus 04*31' app.
Moon sextile Jupiter 03*36' app.
Moon opp. Saturn 01*20' app.
Moon sextile Uranus 00*51' app.
Moon trine Pluto 05*46' app.
Venus sextile Jupiter 00*55' sep.
Venus sextile Saturn 03*11' sep.
Venus opp. Neptune 03*40' sep.
Venus trine Pluto 01*15' app.
Jupiter trine Saturn 02*16' sep.
Jupiter trine neptune 02*45' sep.
Jupiter opp. Pluto 02*11' app.
Saturn trine Neptune o*29' sep.
Saturn sextile Pluto 04*27' app.
Neptune sextile Pluto 04*55' sep.
Now if you think those orbs arent too wide, we now can go further.
The point when Venus goes retrograde is very important to the Venus/Sun transit, that doesn't happen that often, after 2012 we will have to wait for over another century till we get another one.
I tend to be obsessive with counting due to having a lot of quintiles, so please forgive.
So lets do a bit of Mayan counting magic....The gap between 15th May 2012 when Venus goes retrograde, and the End of the Mayan Calendar on 21st Dec. 2012, is 220 days- a very Venus number!
Now pick a Mayan location like Mexico, Lat 19*N24', Long. 99*W03'
Now count forward 220 days from the End of the Mayan Calendar, 21st Dec. 2012, and you should get 29th July 2013......add a time of 06:07am. in Mexico.
This means that the End of the Mayan Calendar is exactly half way between the retrograde phase of Venus, and the grand Sextile which also involves Venus!
Unfortunately there is much mystery involved with the large planetary alignments, so interpretation isn't possible, but i think you will agree that it is a neat equation!

Okay lets go back to Juno charts.
Look up Wikipedia, under the "Riyadh compound bombing" for details.
The Riyadh compound bombings took place on May 12th 2003, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Lat 24*N38' Long. 46*E46'.
Late on May 12th, while much of Riyadh was asleep, four vehicles drove through Riyadh, two cars, a pickup, and a SUV. two carried heavily armed assault teams, and three of them were packed with explosives.
Around 23:15pm., a car packed with explosives attempted to gain entry to the Jadawel compounds back gate area.
As the guards approached to inspect the vehicle, the terrorists suddenly opened fire, while detonating their massive explosive charge.
If you make up a chart you will find the M.C. at 13*10' Scorpio and Juno at 10*31' Scorpio, which is part of a grand square involving Jupiter, Mercury, Mars/Neptune conjunction and sneaky Juno!
B) Beslan School Massacre. Beslan Russia, Lat. 43*11', Long 44*32'.
Wednesday 1st September 2004, and i quote from CNN report:- "09:00am. a school was seized by gunmen, shots exchanged with police, death toll reports range from 2 to eight, moe than a dozen wounded, some attackers reported wearing suicide bomb belts.
I dont think i need to explain the further events involving the hostage taking of these children, it is painful to remember, and upsets me.
At 9am. at Beslan, the I.C. is 09*25' Capricorn, and Juno is 09*10' Capricorn. Interestingly Mean Node is conjunct Part of Fortune.
I hope you guys will give comments, as i am trying to help, and i cannot work all this out, its complicated....and although my observations can frighten, if overcome it could lead to side-stepping problems!

I'll post a couple more Juno charts, then get back to the "Oslo Accords" handshake on 13th September 1993.
On 7th March 2006, two bombs exploded, one in a sacred Hindu temple, the other at a railway station In Varanasi, Utter Predesh, India. Lat.25*N20', Long 83*E00'.
Both bombs exploded within seconds of each other, and a B.B.C. report puts the time of the Event at 18:15pm. Local time. The M.C. is at 20*13' Gemini and Juno is at 22*17' Gemini.
B) Please look up the B.B.C. web-site for "On this Day", for 13th May 1981. Location Rome, Italy. Lat. 41*N54', Long. 12*E29'.
Assassination attempt on Pope John Paul.
Although Juno isnt in your face in this chart, by looking at the time mentioned on the web-site, which is 17:15pm. local time, you will find the Asc. at 17*39' Libra, and Pluto at 22*09' Libra, but is conjunct Juno at 24*53' Libra.

On a bright Autumn morning, 13th September 1993, two men stood facing each other shaking hand.
It was a startling picture that made front page headlines around the world....not for the reason of it taking place on the lawn outside the White House, but because no one ever thought that we would live to see Yitzhak Rabin, the P.M. of Israel, and Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the P.L.O., shaking hands.
It was an unbelievable event that took place after Shimon Peres, who was then Foreign Minister, and Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine signed a historical agreement that promised a light at the end of the tunnel in the peace process.
The hope which the collective consciousness held, soon died, as more blood was spilt... not long after, Rabin was assassinated.
Okay it was very disappointing, but the collective consciousness doesn't stop trying!
It takes time to explore many search engines, finding the exact time that the signing took place, i thought it might interest as the event chart does show difficulties.
It makes you wish that an astrologer had used a healing elected chart, or Reagan was President, and not Clinton. Im not being political, but it is well known that "Ronnie" acted out important events with electional astrology.
I found the actual time of signing in a article by Thomas L. Friedman, writing for "The New York Times", that states that the signing took place at 11:43am., 13th September 1993, Washington D.C., Lat. 38*N54', Long. 77*W00'.
You will find Chiron at 01*19' Virgo and M.C. at 29*15' Leo.
In mundane astrology, the Royal Star Regulus, isn't always a good sign, and has a nemesis of revenge, and it is within 30' of the M.C.
On a personal chart this doesn't mean that all will be a world leader, but someone who's views are respected in a community, i see Tom has a connection with Regulus on an angle, on his natal chart, which proves the point, i also have a Regulus M.C., and found it hard to control, as it can put a "Gremlin" on your shoulder, tempting you with revenge, which has to be denied, or you will fall from grace, and personally being a private person, leadership doesn't effect me either, although i create a powerful message.
Okay lets get back to the signing event chart.....all this is complicated, and made worse by the Asc. being at 19:08' Scorpio, and conjunct Pluto at 23*12', Scorpio.
All times on the Net put the time of Rabin's assassination at 9:40pm. 4th Nov. 1995, in Tel Aviv, Chiron is within 6*30' of the I.C., Uranus and Neptune conjunct the Desc, and the Moon about a degree away from the M.C., the Moon's connection to an angle, i have found on a number of assassination charts.
So did the revenge of Regulus come into play?
Judge for yourself....at the time of the signing in 1993, Pluto was at 23*12' Scorpio, conjunct the Asc., and Regulus was conjunct the M.C.
At the time of the assassination, Pluto had moved to 29*46' on the Scorpio/Sag. cusp....obviously Regulus had only moved a few seconds and was at 29*46' Leo,.....so makes an exact square to Pluto!

There are many that have sacrificed themselves in an effort to help the healing process within the collective consciousness, and indeed President Sadat was one of these, being a brave Egyptian leader, who recognized the state of Israel, by visiting Israel late in 1977.
The assassination of President Sadat happened in Cairo, Egypt, during a military parade.
It is hard to get a time on this, but the best i can find is, shortly before 13:00pm., so i have set a time of 12:47pm., Tuesday 6th October 1981, Lat. 30*N03', Long. 31*E15'.
Details on:- www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglish-cen ... illing.htm
If you make up a chart, you will find Asc. at 12*49' Capricorn, and the Moon at 14*30' Capricorn.

Hi Monk

I've found your research very interesting and your self deprecation amusing. I think you have the makings of a damn fine book there. You can always get a more Mars Saturn type to correlate your winding thought patterns!

It seems to be focused on Juno really but tell me are you seeing it from Bernadettes viewpoint or merely from your own original research.

I was interested to know why you thought Neptune was a planet of surrender. I was particularly struck by some of the dates you cited. Whereas infact I would see the planet as the planet of deceit. I have seen compelling evidence both video and documentary taken at the times of the 11th September attacks which denote that the twin towers were attacked by Drone aircraft (American remote control bomber aircraft) and eye witness interviews taken at the time by members of the public, police and fire brigade. They say they saw something different. They say they heard bombs going off in the towers. Experts say the crumbling of the towers could only have happened on a physical level if they had been detonated to be demolished. I know that is contentious an argument but this is the spirit of the internet where as adults we are able to debate freely.

Again you site Neptune as the planet of surrender in Germany but at the same time there were all these spoils being divvied up that benefitted more countries than had the war never happened. I too am interested to know how the ancients used the fixed stars did they see them as guide points or did they worship them in nature. Don't you think the shape of the Pyramids had something to do with the way they viewed the world at the time as a flat place. I found your stuff on Masonary fascinating. I'm interested to know whether their ritualistic practices pre date the mediaeval periods. It is a shame Alexandria was burned down but I can't help but feel that it was deliberate.

Hi Skippy,
I try not to be political, and hopefully i can delicately try to answer some of your questions without being rapped over the knuckles by the moderators, and i have to respect forum rules, oops that i haven't looked at yet!
all conspiracy theories may be true for all i know, but what i do know is we have too many of them, which "turns off" the broad centre oppinion in the collective consciousness.
Far better to focus on the facts that are screaming at us.
At 08:10am., flight 77 departed from Washington D.C. for Los Angeles, which was hijacked after take-off, and we are led to believe that it was allowed to go on a journey without the most powerful country in the world doing anything till it comes back to Washington D.C. and crashes into the Pentagon 1 Hour and 35 minutes later......which was 59 minutes after the first strike on the World Trade Centre by flight 11 at 08:46am.
What was everyone doing, a moon dance? It is like the part in 6 million Dollar man when everything slooows down.
America is Mega-Powerful, they spend more on defence in a year than the gross national product of some countries achieve in a century, I have no idea how many billions of cost is tied up in "The World Airspace Defense Complex, City, deep under Cheyanne Mountain called NORAD, but it must be a staggering amount.
(I dont like lethal weapons anyway, but i found another who shares my natal chart alignments, who probably will be Supreme Commander of Norad, in the next few years, why are we so different?)
So something is clearly wrong, but i wouldn't like to guess what!
I have great empathy with the passengers of flight 93 who knew what their fate was going to be by being in contact with their loved ones by mobile phone, so they were informed on what happened to the "World Trade Tower", and bravely did what what American Defence should have done.....crashed the plane over farmland before it reached its destination.
Military aircraft only need a few minutes to be in the air over Washington and New York.....so where were they?
I tend to back myself up into a very tight common sense corner, when a lot of rumours hit the world wide web, and i like to see choice in elections.
I dont believe all rumours about " The Skull and Bones Society", but am concerned that they named their H.Q. at Yale university "The Tomb", which doesn't inspire confidence!
Also both George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry are members, so i wonder if the voters of the most powerful country in the world, had an electional choice at the last presidential election.
There is a "Demolay boys club" in America which shows the link to "De Molay", the last grand master of the Knights Templar, easy to find official web-sites on the web, and you can check by web link that i put in to my concerns about the English flag, a few thread sections back.
Yet i wouldnt want a "witch hunt" to start as i feel 98% of all associations are spiritual and are not involved with politics, but we only have to read up on "The Golden Dawn order", to have doubts, power can corrupt!
Everyone is innocent till proven guilty, but i would like to see the end result of this credible newspaper report, hopefully all lawsuits will be proved groundless.
Dont ask, c'os i'm not going to go further down a political track than that!
On your other questions, yes Neptune can have other symbolic meanings other than surrender, but seems apt for a surrender document.
The burning of the library at Alexandria was deliberate, but history is hazy during this time, so we dont know who to blame.
And lastly, yes most of my fixed star knowledge comes from Bernadette Brady, but i dont know if she would agree with some of my observations.

Before 1900, i find actual times dubious, but the best account i can find of President Lincoln's assassination is as follows:-
Friday 14th April 1865, Ford's Theatre, District of Columbia, Washington D.C., Lat. 38*N54', Long. 77*W00'.
"The Presidential party arrived at Ford's about 20:30pm. Armed with a single shot derringer and a hunting knife, Booth arrived at Ford's at about 21:30pm., Joseph Burroughs, a boy who worked at the theatre, held his horse in the rear alley.
Booth went next door to a saloon for a drink. He entered the front of Ford's Theatre around 22:07pm., slowly he made his way towards the State Box where the Lincoln's were sitting with Clara Harris and Henry Rathbone.
Lincoln's bodyguard, John Parker of the Metropolitan police force, had left his post.
At about 22:15pm., Booth opened the door to the State Box, and shot Lincoln in the back of the head at near point-blank range. He struggled with Rathbone and stabbed him in the arm, after which he jumped approx. 11ft. to the stage below.
If you set up a chart for 22:15pm., you will find Asc. at 09*45' Sag., and "again" the Moon on an angle at 09*13' Sag.