In my country, honors are sometimes conferred not due to efforts by the native but due to other things (which can only be described as luck) and this is where I would use fifth as honors received.
Another take on this would be Morinus' claim that honors achieved by the efforts of the native are shown by Lord ASC in the 10th, and honors that that native did not work for to be lord 10 in the ASC.


Hello Tom,
Another take on this would be Morinus' claim that honors achieved by the efforts of the native are shown by Lord ASC in the 10th, and honors that that native did not work for to be lord 10 in the ASC.
Which Morinus' book is this from? At least I can see his views on the difference between Lord A's house in B and Lord B's house in A. Does he give a general outline?


It's from Book 21. I use the Baldwin translation. The specific reference is chapter V page 63. However, the reader is expected to put a lot of things together from previous chapters. This text is no mere list of aphorisms.

For example Morinus, perhaps more than others, emphasizes the importance of the ASC. I'm not saying that no one else does that, but he seems to stress it more than most, if I'm premitted to be a bit subjective here. For example he claims that location is more important than rulership, but he notes an exception. Lord ASC located in a house other than the ASC tells us more about the ASC than it does the meanings of the house in which it is posited. So Lord ASC in 10 brings honor to the native not simply awards. This tells us that the native (ASC) is an honorable man, not simply a collector of awards (like a Hollywood actor who may or may not be honorable). I hope I'm explaining that sufficiently. The nature of the honors etc depends on the celestial state of the planets involved.

I have a small problem with words like "more" when we're talking about quality, but I understand his point. (See pages 56 - 57).

If you only have the Little translation, let me know, I'll look for the appropriate sections of that book. They do not neatly follow one another.


I've just found this forum (and most excellent site) so I hope the regulars here don't mind if I jump in at the deep end.

A quick intro: I've had a fascination with astrology (as well as astronomy) for many years but only recently I felt I'd like to explore the subject in more depth. I was actually going to open a new thread about astrology and artists but decided to comment here first.

If we're looking to identify any key patterns in the charts of artists (for example) we'd need to think more about the creative process itself. We are all creative beings (solar powered, as it were) but what makes an artist is perhaps something of a promethean act. Think of Arthur Rimbaud?s comment: ?the poet is truly the thief of fire.?

You can read more here. Scroll down to ?My Little Mistresses?: The images he uses are excellent and I think very useful.

Btw, I chose Rimbaud because he was a significant influence on a great number of artists in nearly every medium throughout the C20.

By contrast, an example of a more sophisticated contemporary reading is Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi?s ?Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention?. He argues that people are most happy when they are in a state of flow, immersed in purposeful activity.

Already we?re into a mode of being / working that is about a deeper sense of self-awareness, imagination, choosing, shaping and self-evaluation before the ?work? is presented to others. So we're back to the question: in which house(s) can this process be identified (if it can be pinned down at all in this way)?

A series of case studies of a wide range of artists would be very interesting, if not illuminating.

I suppose the problem is that the word has different meanings. When we engage in ?creative pursuits? that does seem to me to be a very 5th house theme ? I?m thinking of knitting, painting, cooking ? the kind of activities that end up giving you a warm glow of personal self worth. This is also the house of pleasure and enjoyment and the phrase "a little of what you fancy does you good" comes to mind. It is good for your health (and therefore creative) to indulge yourself from time to time, or to just do something for the pure pleasure of it.

But creativity in terms of a powerful burst of life-force is really a 1st house theme. This is more of a 'solar creativity' and belongs to the ascendant as the place where the light of the Sun arises. It is easy to understand how modern students can get confused when they think of the word ?creativity? and are then taught that the origin lies in the Sun?s rulership of Leo which rules the 5th house.

The first house has a very powerful energy and the 5th house seems to be a more gentle or subtle influence; hence our own birth (the creation of ourself) is a 1st house theme, but the creation of a foetus in conception ? which has 9 months of darkness and vulnerability ahead of it, is 5th house.

I don?t know that I have anything to add, but I?ve enjoyed reading this thread ? it?s left me pondering :)

BTW, Welcome to the forum SM ? and please do start that thread about astrology and artists. I think it is fascinating to consider how people express themselves artistically according to their astrological profiles.


Thanks for the welcome, Deb.

I'm just thinking about an interesting / engaging way to open the thread on Astrology & Artists. Some good points have been made here, but I still need to read up on a few things ...

Deb wrote:
But creativity in terms of a powerful burst of life-force is really a 1st house theme. This is more of a 'solar creativity' and belongs to the ascendant as the place where the light of the Sun arises.
Yes, and it?s very different from the quieter 5th house pleasurable activities. When we go to the self-help section of the bookstore to find something on how to develop our creativity we are looking for a way to give our Ascendant and/or Sun a boost. It's not a matter of finding something pleasurable to do, but of finding a way to bring out something from within us.

I like Deb?s linking of the Sun to the Ascendant through the fact of the Sun?s rising there. This indicates for me the validity of working with solar-sign charts, even if the correct birth time is known. We are all solar to some extent, but some of us are probably meant to be more solar than others. The solar-sign chart, with the Sun?s sign as the Ascendant, could perhaps be thought of as a ?creativity chart? ? and as a substitute for that self-help book.