Can we think thru Jupiter supported by Pluto in Sagittarius

Hi Friends,

Could we think it thru again.

Think back to around 1995 when Pluto moved in Sag.

Remember Pluto is really the Super Booster planet if it represents death then it's only because too much power can pop the socks !!!

So we've had the madness of Blair and faith driven politics.

Super powered Economy.

Especially in the last 2 years we've seen excesses in this and the pay of the fat cats.

But what I'm really interested in how the last months or half year of this will play out.

You know in Nov/ Dec Jupiter conjuncts Pluto in the last degrees of Sagittarius.

I think for the Brave it's a time of super booster opportunity.

Just jump off the train before it hits the end of the road.

Am I missing anything here?

Super booster time has to be around end Nov into Dec esp once Saturn has left Leo !!!!!!

We know the last degrees are usually the definition of the Sign.

What you think ?
