Hi Sun Pluto,

There is no need to turn this thread into a veggie vs meat eating argument.

I really don't think Skyscript is well served by discussing the smell of someone's excrement. :-sk

If we cant keep the informal chit chat sweet lets get back to the astrology. :D
Last edited by Mark on Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Peppermint tea actually slows down digestion, believe it or not. I wouldn't recommend drinking it after a meal! Maybe before bed.

Ginger tea is stimulating, however.

I have a funny story about meat-eating versus vegetarians per your idea...but it's not a story for a public forum on astrology! :lol:

GH :)

RC, I am in deep sympathy for your plight. I have the same trouble...too much input, not enough output. Try increasing the output by 15 mins/day for a week at a time. Start slow. Be happy with small results.

GH :'

stanstar wrote:RC the answer in a nutshell is NO. Mars your significator is severely weak in H11 of wishes and hopes and also Mars is sig for 6th house of diet etc. Mars hasn't really anything going for it either in the way of receptions. The best I can see here is that Mars's dispositor Venus is exceptionally strong. Venus apart from ruling 11th house rules the 7th maybe your partner/wife may be more helpfull in your weight loss like hiding the cookie jar or in my part of the world we say the biscuit tin! :lol: Be reasonable RC! Do you do what your wife tells you, I NEVER do! You KNOW what the answer is anyway. Try at least to reduce the weight, what the hell anyway. Why are you wanting to loose a ridiculous amount of weight? Have you got your eyes on some nice young girl by any chance? :-T

Your pal

This is interesting because I have often chided my husband for sabotaging my efforts by bringing home chocolates after I've asked him not to. He always wants to please me with bringing home my favorite foods.


MarkC wrote:Hi RC,

That fits perfectly with Venus being the sign dispositor and House lord of Mars and the Moon!

At least we know who to blame now!
Yeah! I think I'll print this out and show him! He won't listen to me!



stanstar wrote:My sincerest apologies RC :lol: :lol: :lol: Now everything makes sense!! I foolishly presumed you were a man for some strange reason (blushing)

:D Don't worry about it. Everyone does for some reason. I guess because I use initials ?


You know, the more I look at this chart I think now that Venus has a lot of power over whether I succeed or not. Maybe even to grant my wish as he's on the 11th cusp.

I'm going to have another *serious* talk with my mate. It seems I am powerless in this chart to resists him and his goodies.


Well as you know RC I have already declared myself in my first post up there about me not listening to my wife. Your man so obviously likes you the weigh you are! Cant see him changing now bringing you boxes of Ryevita and allbran mixture and inviting you out for a jog. 'Snot the same is it? Not so romantic.


stanstar wrote:Well as you know RC I have already declared myself in my first post up there about me not listening to my wife. Your man so obviously likes you the weigh you are! Cant see him changing now bringing you boxes of Ryevita and allbran mixture and inviting you out for a jog. 'Snot the same is it? Not so romantic.


Gues 'snot.



Good Chart for Losing Weight!!

Positive Interpretation ? New Spin

Some of you will absolutely cringe at what I am about to suggest and interpret!

Here goes!!

If your question is : Show me how to lose weight and this chart came up, I would say the following!!

You have a great chance to do it. The chart is SHOWING YOU HOW!!!!

Your Sun is strong in a 10th house position!! Your life force, (yes, I know Mars is your significator, just hold on and follow me). Saturn conjunct your Sun is TELLING you: You need my DISCIPLINE, and now I am going to be there for you giving you discipline and hard work to achieve your goals!!! Use the positive side of Saturn?s energy, and that is Discipline and hard work!! Readily available now and it WILL BE LASTING, (weight loss). Now being in Virgo, you need to be regimented (also Saturn will help with this), regular time, and organized, scheduled weight loss routine and work-out sessions!!

Now Uranus in your 4th house of home is opposing these changes because it hates to regulated, disciplined, hemmed in, or told what and when to do anything!!! Want to do what it wants when it wants, so this is the sabotage!! Over-come the urges of Uranus on the homefront , this will help, and use Saturn to reign in the old impulses of your sedentary life at home, wanting no structure. Saturn wants to give you Structure NOW!! For Success, (Sun in the 10th, honors and success!!

Now to the 11th house. Venus, Mercury, Mars and the Moon in Libra!! They are all there to give you energy and friends and groups to get involved in for your organized work-out routines, and it is saying it will be FUN, with friends and in a group!! Mars in Libra puts a lot of energy in relationships, and working towards BALANCE, and BEAUTY. Remember, a healthy toned body is Extremely beautiful. Just think of all those gorgeous Greek Statutes!! Sculpted and toned bodies. Without Mars we would not have any energy to do anything!! Now is can help you join a group, and give you the ENERGY, to tone your body so you are beautiful and balanced. Use Mars? energy that way!!! It will be a social group, focusing on getting in shape, balance, toned and beautiful!!

Now you being a Capricorn, this chart is showing Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn, great sign!! Now all the pounds that have been going on while Jupiter was forwarded, (enlarging Capricorns) is now going backwards. Jupiter now has slowed down the expansion of Capricorns (in this chart) (it is currently forward now, but we are reading this chart!

Mars ruling your 5th house of fun and 6th house of health, (being in Libra right now, (yes I know it is in detriment), is giving you the ENERGY to use in these areas to devote to having FUN and getting healthy, while you are losing weight with your friends, have a great social time in Libra in the 11th!

So you can choose to use the positive side of the energies of the planets influence or the negative side of the planets influence! All energy in the universe has a positive and negative, from the microcosm to the macrocosm!

That is where we get to choose, some have worked enough spiritually to have the wisdom and strength to gain the ability to see this and use it, others cannot even see this, yet others do not have the will to grab the positive side, so they hand on to the negative influences, mainly from living in a state of un-awareness!

Just a theory, take it for what its worth!! But I KNOW you CAN do it, its really your CHOICE!! Good Luck!!