Links to websites

Like many similar forums, this forum has been hit by a spate of new registrations that appear only to include links to porn sites. I've been struggling against this problem for a while, spending considerable time manually deleting the offending registrations and changing the registration process in an attempt to include data that would allow me to ban and prevent further abuse. Short of making it damn near impossible to join up, I haven't found a quick and simple solution to this.

I'm looking into a more suitable long term solution but in the meantime - to save me spending up to an hour each day preventing the links appearing - I have removed all website links from the memberlist and user profiles. Website links still appear alongside posts as the people who actually post here are not causing the problem. (People do this sort of thing because the more links they get into a website the higher it appears on website listings. Forums are a prime target, with scripts available that allow bulk registration in minutes.)

Members are also welcome to include notices about interesting site launches or content updates here. Providing it is relevant to astrology and of genuine interest to other astrologers, recommendations are always welcome.

Also, I'll be removing the guestbook shortly - that too seems to be getting a lot of junky advertising messages lately. Thanks to everyone who left real feedback, which was very much appreciated.
