Healer honored by Norwegian Church

The Norwegian Healer, Joralf Gjerstad, known as "The Snaasaman" was invited to the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim and honored by the bishop Tor Singsaas on July 31. The Cathedral was filled to the rim with people who came to witness the event.

The Snaasaman, who discovered his healing gifts in 1934, is said to have helped over 50.000 people.

"Now that I have come to the Nidaros Cathedral my journey is completed. Here I shall end my service, said the 83 year old healer. Joralf Gjerstad who is born April 11. 1926 in Snaasa, Norway, claims to be psychic and have warm hands.

The service was broadcast on Norwegian television NRK2 on Sunday, Aug. 2.

Source: http://www.aftenposten.no/kul_und/article3195966.ece