A gift of money.

When asking a question about a gift of money from another person, which house is applicable? If the person is your mother, do you use the 10th house? Or does it fall under the 8th, inheritance?

What if you ask about such a gift and there is more than one possible source as the giver? What house rules an ex-husband? Does he still fall in the 7th?

Sorry for so many questions. It seemed like a simple question when I began to formulate it, but as I begin to think about significators it became complicated. I haven't actually asked the question, yet, because I got sidetracked thinking about judging such a chart. Confusing myself trying to be both astrologer and querent. :roll:

Thanks for any insight,


Your mother is 10th house so her money is 2nd from 10th which is 11th. This applies only to 'movable' possessions though and not real estate which is 4th rather than 2nd.

Sometimes looking at horaries is a bit confusing, however as it seems you are looking for your finances to improve in general, you might want to look at the 2nd house and it's ruler and see a) what shape it is in currently, b) whether it is increasing in strength or indeed getting worse, c) what helpful aspects may be about to perfect. If such an aspect were to come from 11th house ruler then that could be mother's money (but 10th also = job so you have to use your discretion). If it were to come from 8th, that is just other people's money in general and covers lottery wins, money from joint business ventures, money from any significant other, legacies, etc.

If you are still confused about where all this money is coming from I want to know your secret!!
