
I wanted to do a horary about Which current career opportunity should I accept, and realized I havne't the fairntest clue how to go about it?

I have three possibilities.

1) IF the oral proposal one company I've been working with is Accepted by the Large Aerospace firm, then I have a full time regular position come March1, sounds great, but it isn't there yet?
2) current large company I'm working for is offering me a job out in the midwest for 7 months with the possibility of going full time.
3)opportunity with a local company is being discussed for a regular full time position....

I am not certain how to phrase the question or read an answer because of the numerous possibilities here. If I ask if the JPL contract will solidify, well that is wonderful, but what happens if the answer is no? which of the other two possibilities do I choose? And how would that manifest in the chart? Since I formulating the question is so unlikely at this point, I thought I'd through it out there for discussion. I know we've talked about phrasing multi questions before, but they have always seemed to be either or, as in Will I move, which is pretty specific, in this case the options are more than two and I'm confused as to how to handle it?

thanks for any imput!


Of course questions may be varied, the point is in asking a question so that an answer may be more easily discerned. for instance the question I'd like to ask is where (what company) will I be working for come April? and the answer is??? since the opportunities are rather more vast than usual at this time I was hoping to get some help structuring a question that is more easily answered by the universe... that is a rather vague question, dont you think?


curiosity got the better of me and I did a horary
"Where (what company) will I be working for come April 1, 2005?"
9:00 hrs, 119W50 34N 26, 15 february 2005
giving me an asc of 16 Aries 51
Mars 6 Cap 20 conj MC 10 Cap 05
Moon 23 tau 41 conj 2nd cusp at 25 tau 8
Saturn 21 can 26 in his temple the fourth, but debilitated
Pof in the fourth
Jupiter 18 LIB 34 Rx conj DSC
south Node Conj Arturas at 24 LIB Libra within 6 degrees though retrograde
NN in First house
Lovely stellium in the 11th of Sun, Mercury, Venus and neptune. all strongly trine Jupiter
Uranus in the 12 ...
moons next appointments are a square to uranus and then a trine to Jupiter...

what I think I understand: mars Conj MC, Me full contact with Career, so quite likely working.
Saturn the Ruler of the MC is in Opposition to its home? in the fourth. adn asside from being in a house it likes it is very debilitated... the Part of Fortune is also in the 4th... Jupiter conj the Dsc ... benefit through partnership? also trine a great deal in the 11th suggesting a lot of help from friends? Jupiter is also sextile Pluto suggesting benefit through change.
mars and uranus are also in sextile suggesting a benefit in career from change
Moon on the 2nd house cusp and square a lot... suggesting money is not what it could be? sextile SAturn emotional about home issues? and money issues?

any thoughts appreciated.


...for instance the question I'd like to ask is where (what company) will I be working for come April? and the answer is???
Hi G_S,
Hmmm, this is a tricky one isn't it? In questions of this sort it might be best to apply the principle of Occam's Razor, i.e. where several possible answers exist the simplest answer is usually the right one.

Your sig, Mars, is strong on the MC, suggesting that you'll definitely be in a good situation, but the ruler of the 10th is in detriment as well as in the sign of your 'fall', indicating that the company may not be ideally suited to you, or your best interests. The 4th house is highlighted through the position of Saturn, ruling 10th, so it doesn't look like you'll be travelling. The 4th house has to do with home, land, property, agriculture, mining, family businesses etc.
Both the P.O.F. and Saturn exalt the angular Jupiter which would indicate benefit from merger or partnership, and Jupiter's rulership of the 9th suggests international affairs and legal matters.

Both of your sigs are essentially strong so I can't see you losing out whatever happens, and I can't see you moving either.

The Moon rules the "end of matter" 4th and sits exalted on your 2nd cusp, which is positive, and the ruler of your 2nd of income is about to trine the angular Jupiter. I would guess that the motive behind your question concerns your future financial security, so whichever company you end up working for I'd say you'll be reasonably comfortable.
Hope that helps a little...

That helps a lot, thanks Pete, it is currently down to two. and both are good companies, the proposal answer is supposed ot come next friday and the other one is a local company that I'm supposed to interview with come next tuesday, for the third time, this time the top guy.

we'll see....