Obama and health care

I recently googled for birth data and did Obama's nativity. His sixth house Sun (dignified) and Mercury(accidental dignity) speak volumes about his interest in health care with no need of words.
At the time of the (seemingly) disastrous roll out of his affordable health care act, Saturn was separating from a square to his Sun and applying to a square with his Mercury (fixed squares, ninth to sixth).
Saturn is now retrograding and will form two more squares with his Mercury. More trouble with the technical sides of this program, generated by members of government bureaucracy.
By late September, all these problems will have been addressed, and the new system will gradually get better and better.
In January 2016, Saturn will be in Obama's tenth house, and begin transiting trine the planets he recently squared.
I'm worried American politics will be a one party system. I looks like the republicans will be dead and stinking.

Scorpio Asc. wrote:Do you mean transits of that date to D.C. nativity of March 15, 1791?
Do an event chart of the date this law was rolled out, Oct. 1. I use D.C. coordinates because that is where the law was enacted. Time does not matter but I use 12:00 pm. The aspects the planets make with each other tells the story.


Scorpio Asc. wrote:What do you know about lunar highs and lows?
Are you talking about the cycles of the Moon?

In regards to the Oct. 1 event chart, I forgot that the government shutdown at midnight. Lots happening to really focus on the law itself, so I made a chart for March 23, 2010 when the law was signed by Obama. It is revealing to combine these two charts and see the patterns these aspects make.


I I agree, the date it was signed into law would be the one to use, and it should be fairly easy to get the time of signing. Likely all the various roll outs, delays, etc. would show up in the transits to that chart. If I had any health problems I might pursue that further, but the only way a doctor ever gets to see me is when I'm carried in on a stretcher, so my interest is limited. I'm more interested in the people involved.

As to the Lunar cycles: In 1983, when I was a baby astrologer, I read a book called Secrets From a Stargazer's Notebook by Kempton-Smith. There was a short section where she explained that when the Moon is in the same sign as your Sun, it's the best time of the month for getting your own way, and when it's in the opposite sign, best to lay low. So I began observing these periods, both in my life and the people close to me. After doing so for a full Saturn cycle, I decided it was both the simplest and most powerful tool in Astrology, for advancing one's own interests and for avoiding trouble.
I'm curious to hear other astrologers' thoughts on this subject.

Well I wanted to address your belief that
By late September, all these problems will have been addressed, and the new system will gradually get better and better.
I looked up the time for the signing of Obamacare (about 10:45) Glad that I did because adding the houses to the story just makes astrology all that more interesting. Chiron in Pieces in the 10th shows the government running the medical field and their desire to take care of everybody. Retrograde Saturn makes an inconjunct aspect with Chiron showing their controlling/disorganized efforts to do so. Saturn's aspect also shows people's defenses being up over this issue and opening the Gov. up to criticisms. Which leads to Chiron's conjuction with Neptune showing one's inability to deal with reality and throwing up smoke screens to hide the issue.

Then I think about the chart unfolding through progressions and this drum keeps beating for more than a few months.

Another important aspect is Saturn squaring the asteroid Ceres. Ceres is about nurturing and in Capricorn you again have organizing and controlling what nurtures us. With Ceres in 7th house this could represent the businesses like the health care insurance industry. Saturn's square shows the governments intent to organize and restrict these industries.

To think, this debilitated Saturn is ruling 8th house of our country's debt, 9th house of our legal system, and 10th house of our government.

Maybe someone else can find it's redeeming values in the chart.
As to the Lunar cycles
You may want to start a new thread for this topic.


To Kali

An interesting analysis. I am in the midst of a birthday reading for my little sister, just now (another Scorpio Rising, so I must be both precise and diplomatic). After I email it off tomorrow, I'll post a more detailed response.
I will start a new thread for the lunar hi/lo thing, thanks for suggesting it.

Chiron-Pisces-Tenth House

I must confess my total ignorance as regards the astrological significance that may have accrued to planet Chiron during the geological eye blink since its discovery, and your interpretation of how the chubby little trans-Saturnian would manifest while in Pisces in the tenth is rooted in accepted astrological symbolism. But in the accompanying wheel, Chiron was in Aquarius in the ninth.