Horoscope Winston Churchill.

I rectified the horoscope of Winston Churchill as 1h30m39s.

Asc. 1 degree Libra, MC 1 degree Cancer as my own rectified horoscope.

Churchill becomes Prime Minister on 10 May 1940.

9-May-1940 006?,11'58 Taurus Sat 90 C-11 transit
9-May-1940 028?,21'06 Aries Jup 180 Black Moon transit
9-May-1940 024?,35'53 Gemini Mars 135 Sat transit
9-May-1940 006?,14'39 Taurus Sat 120 C-12 transit
9-May-1940 028?,25'48 Aries Jup 0 Nep transit
10-May-1940 001?,33'25 Virgo MC 45 Mars pr asp
11-May-1940 021?,56'09 Taurus Ura 30 Pars transit