Fall of Berlin Wall chart and whether UK leaves EU ?

http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/His ... erlin_Wall

I wonder if this is the chart to look at when asking whether the UK will leave the EU? It has strongly aspected Neptune in Capricorn, and currently the transiting Pluto Uranus square has been aspecting that Neptune in Capricorn.

I did try to search to see if there is a recent thread on this subject, but couldn't find anything. If anybody knows of one, please link it here.

Phaethon is about 12 degrees Leo, slowing down to its station to retrograde at 15.5 degrees Leo on 14th December.

I wonder what transits look like on 7th May 2015, the date people are giving for the next UK general election. Chiron at 20 degrees Pisces gives an antiscion of 10 degrees Libra, which will be conjunct the transiting Moon's north node in 10 degrees Libra, squaring the Cancer/Capricorn opposition in the Berlin Wall chart. Transiting Phaethon will be 21 degrees Pisces on 1st May 2015.

Actually the Wall came down at 23:30 / 22:30 GMT that day - the moment the doors were opened.
One might also take into account the fact that the Moon had just entered Aries that night - a sign traditionally attributed to Germany.

Err - can't find the link between Britain's probable bye, bye to Europe and what happened onNov. 9th 1989 ??
Should there be a link - what might be its astrological paralels?
Non coerceri maximo, contineri minimo divinum est.