Anyone who the 1940's was good for?

Can anybody think of anyone, preferably with birth data or chart, who did well in their life during the 1940's? There were very powerful transits at that time, and I tend to think of them as near-universally bad, causing a war and millions of deaths. But they must have been good for some people?

Maybe Americans, who weren't part of the war until later, and didn't get bombed, and who got the effects of the post war economic boom earlier than the UK?

Also these were long lasting transits, so may have operated more in the 1950's and affected those entrepreneurs who benefitted from the post war economic boom. And maybe ordinary people who suddenly found good employment, education and healthcare that wasn't there before the war. The 1940's and 1950's were good for working class children going to grammar school - a trend that started in the 1930's for a very few - and even university. Miners' children qualifying for professional jobs. I would love to know their stories along with their charts or birth data.

I can't think how the period 1939 to 1945 can have been good for many people?

springtime fpr hitler in germany ...

fdr was doing okay. as were the dudes connected to the Manhattan Project at U of Chicago -- Team Feineman and all that ...

American women got a purchase on the independence that a salary affords, since so many had to work outside of the home

My father in law did well during that period He had a minor injury when he was about 21 years old and this was enough to keep him out of the military. He worked as an electrician at Chrysler, and made lots of money due to others misfortune of being in the military and his children were born then--my sister in law in 1942 and my husband in 1944. Father in law was born January 3, 1912 time unknown in Centerville, Iowa. AMY

Amy, thanks for that birth data. Sorry it took me so long to respond. Here is his chart. As his birth time is unknown, I used midnight (and ten minutes...). Maybe the transits were affecting his Midheaven in the early 1940's.

amymaddalozzo wrote:Thanks a lot! The only other thing that I can say is that he definitely was a moon in Gemini man and not cancer moon. Married twice (first one died) and just his personality. AMY
His Venus' antiscion at 1 degree Aquarius 47 minutes, was being opposed by both Pluto and IsisTranspluto in the early degrees of Leo from very roughly 1940. His Venus natally aspects Mars. These powerful transits of that time would have affected his Venus and everything that meant.

IsisTranspluto was at 0 degrees Leo 47 minutes, applying to his Venus within a one degree orb, for the first time in September 1937. Transiting Pluto doesn't reach this same point until September 1938.

Around September 1938 he may have experienced events that are clearly of the nature of Venus?

While world war II brought untold suffering and misery for millions clearly not everyone was taken up in that.

I very well recall chatting to my late paternal Aunt who clearly had ''a lovely war''. She was lucky to be in areas away from bombing in Britain. She recalled dating numerous American servicemen and going out dancing much of the time. She also got access to more freedom and money to spend after she took up munitions work in England.

On a personal level she seems to have found the war a liberating experience despite all its unquestionable suffering around her. In fact I formed the view this was one of the happiest times in her life.

I have never looked at her data but I could probably put up her chart at some point if your interested. As its a Scottish birth there will be a time on her birth certificate.

As thou conversest with the heavens, so instruct and inform thy minde according to the image of Divinity William Lilly

Mark wrote:
I have never looked at her data but I could probably put up her chart at some point if your interested. As its a Scottish birth there will be a time on her birth certificate.

I would be interested to see that. Especially valuable with an accurate birth time from a birth certificate.