Hi Peter,

There is a lot going on in Canada's chart at the moment.

The upcoming eclipse at 29 Virgo squares our Moon (28:51 Gemini, 3rd house) from the 6th house. At the same time, transiting Jupiter is in Canada's 8th house, opposite Pluto in the 2nd (my software shows this transit is exact today). Jupiter is also approaching a conjunction with our natal Saturn in the 8th.

Transiting Mars is also in our 6th house and will soon square our natal Sun/Uranus conjunction in the 4th. Mars just sextiled our Mercury in Leo.

Unfortunately, I don't think the Montreal shooting is the end of the bad news. Although there was some good news as the group of military wives won the lottery.


Thanks for posting this, as i was researching something else, and could have failed to notice.
I know many astrologers dont examine asteroids on this forum but it helped my research in regards to Juno as it is under four degrees away from the M.C. at 12:41pm on Wednesday 13th September 2006, still in opposition to Uranus, fixed star Zosma is in paran with the M.C., which is one of the most difficult fixed stars, and September 13th is one of the festivals to Juno.
Just over two years ago another school suffered on 1st September 2004, when at 9:00am. a school was seized by gunmen.
Beslan, Russia lat. 43*N11', 44*E32', where you will find the I.C. at 09*25' Capricorn, and Juno at 09*10' Capricorn.

Most reports on the gunman attack on the Platte Canyon high school in Bailey, Colorado, state the time of this event as "shortly before noon, Wednesday 27th September 2006".
I havent found Bailey on my astrology programme but Denver or Littleton isnt far away. Shortly before noon, could be 11:55am......Juno within a degree of the M.C.
News item taken from Reuters.

Hera/Juno hasn't a good reputation in regards to children in mythology.
Please look up Wikipedia "Columbine High School Massacre" which happened about 30 miles from Bailey, Colorado at 11:10am. on Tuesday 20 April 1999.
I use Placidius charts, Littleton is 39*N35', 105*W00', Juno and Pluto conjunct within half a degree in fifth house associated with children!

More on "The Columbine School Massacre", Mercury approx. two degrees from M.C. associated with schools and both the Juno/Pluto conjunction and Chiron in fifth house and in Sag. associated with learning!