Is the rumor true?

I just got off the phone with a psychic whose reading totally contradicted the last reading I'd had with one of this company's psychics!

So, I asked, "Is the rumor from the psychic true?"

The chart has 21 Cancer rising, which means the Moon in Scorpio is the significator. Generall, the presence of a lot of fixed signs means that the rumor is true, for example if fixed signs rule all the angles, and the significator of the first house is fixed. But here, while the first house significator is fixed, the angles are not all fixed. Not only that, the Moon is in partile conjunction with Saturn, a malefic, which I think means "not true."

Furthermore, Mercury, ruler of the 12th of psychics and the third of the message itself, is RX, which generally means "not true" and it's going to square Jupiter, ruler of the 6th.

Personally, this reading was so unsettling I'm hoping it's not true! But, here's the data: "Is the rumor (from the psychic) True" (e) 12 November 2006 at 21:13 in El Paso, TX (US).

Let me know what you think.

hey voyagergirl

did you look at the right chart? moon is in leo, not scorpio, and mercury is retrograde but is not going to square jupiter.

i would take either 7th or 12th for the psychic. ruler of 7th is saturn in detriment in leo, ruler of 12th is mercury retrograde, in neither case would i consider the psychic as trustworthy. i'd say you'd better have drawn a chart before calling a psychic!

I would think with all the squares that the answer would be 'no', rather than 'yes'; the moon is separating from Saturn and all that's left for it to do is square Jupiter. I think Mercury Rx would reinforce the 'no'.

Update on "Is the Rumor True"

Well, after several months, the first event the physic predicted did NOT come true! (This is exactly what the horary chart about the physic's prediction said: that she was NOT a reliable source).

So, it remains to be seen if the rest of her predictions also fall flat. (I hope so... her reading was really distressing -- for example, she claimed I'd marry a man I have NO interest in marrying at all).

Re: Is the rumor true?

I just got off the phone with a psychic whose reading totally contradicted the last reading I'd had with one of this company's psychics!

So, I asked, "Is the rumor from the psychic true?"
I haven't done many of these charts but, is it ok to use a prediction or a prophecy as a rumor ?


Is the rumor true: prediction or prophecy

That's a good question: I had posted another question regarding divining one's sexual orientation using horary techniques based on someone else's mere speculation, and someone suggested using "Is the rumor true" for the question.

Based on that analysis, it appeared the "rumor" might be true: but I still don't know the answer yet, so I can't give an update. Also, other posters had ethical considerations regarding even asking the question, so that is something to think about.